1)Make sure that you have 9iR2 software (9.2.0 CD Dump) before starting the installation.
first need to download the software on the server. Following are the details of the software to be downloaded:
i. for Solaris:
Disk1: Part# A99349-01
Disk2: Part# A99350-01
Disk3: Part# A99351-01
ii. for Linux
Disk1: Part# A99339-01
Disk2: Part# A99340-01
Disk3: Part# A99341-01
2) Login to oracle user and make sure that you have minimum 4 GB free space in /u01/app/oracle mount point. If you do not have enough free space, you need to send the TAR to SA team for adding more space to /u01/app/oracle mount point.
3) Make sure that you have oraInst.loc file in the below given locations and it has 777 privileges over it. If the file is not there or it does not have 777 privileges, you need to send the TAR to SA team for creating the file or granting 777 on it.
a. On Solaris: /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
b. On Linux: /etc/oraInst.loc
4) Look out for the oraInventory on your instance. As per EBSO standards the location of oraInventory is “/u01/app/oracle/product/oraInventory”. If it is not present in this location you need to search for it. Once you know the location of oraInventory and you have privileges to update oraInst.loc file, make sure that the contents of oraInst.loc is as shown below. If the file was already existing and had some other values, just update it as shown below:
5) Make sure that you have /igold symbolic link pointing to /u01 on the file system.
Preparing the System for Upgrade
1) Declare blackout on all the Components of APPS Instance and shutdown all Middle-Tier services of the instance. Keep Database server and DB listener up.
2) Check the free space in SYSTEM tablespace and if it is less than 1 GB free, add another datafile to create free space. Similarly, make sure that you have minimum 750 MB free in RBS tablespace. One example of how to add datafile is given below.
SQL> select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) free_space from dba_free_space where tablespace_name in (‘SYSTEM’,’RBS’) group by tablespace_name;
SQL> alter tablespace SYSTEM add datafile ‘/xxxxxx/oradata02/data02/systemxx.dbf’ size 1000m autoextend on next 25m maxsize 1800m;
3) Make sure that the value of maxextents for all Rollback Segments is Unlimited. Run the below given query to check this. The value of “32765” means the Unlimited size. If the value is less than 32765 then alter the rollbacks segment to make maxextents unlimited.
SQL> select segment_name, max_extents,status from dba_rollback_segs;
SQL> alter rollback segment rbsXX storage (maxextents unlimited);
4) Set the values of following parameters in initXXXXXX.ora file as given below.
db_domain =
aq_tm_processes = 0
job_queue_processes = 0
log_archive_start = false
_system_trig_enabled = FALSE
5) Search for any “event=” set in initXXXXXX.ora or ifilecbo.ora files. If you find any event, comment that entry. Also, you may not find some of the initialization parameters given above in initXXXXXX.ora file. In that case check the parameter in ifilecbo.ora file.
6) Alter the database to NOARCHIVELOG mode and shut it down. Also shutdown the DB listener.
$ sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup mount
SQL> alter database noarchivelog;
SQL> archive log list
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> exit
$ lsnrctl stop XXXXXX
7) Create new ORACLE_HOME and set environment for that.
a. Create new directory “920” in product directory for the new HOME
$ cd /xxxxxx/oracle/product
$ mkdir 920
b. Copy the environment file from old ORACLE_HOME (817) to new ORACLE_HOME (920)
$ cd /xxxxxx/oracle/product/920
$ cp ../817/.env .
c. Edit the environment file in new ORACLE_HOME and change all the references from “817” to “920” by performing a global replace in “vi”.
$ vi .env
:1,$ s/817/920/g
d. Edit “.profile” file and “.bash_profile” (only in Linux) and edit all the references of “817” to “920”
$ cd $HOME
$ vi .profile
:1,$ s/817/920/g
$ vi .bash_profile
:1,$ s/817/920/g
e. Log out from orxxxxxx user, login again and make sure that the following environment variables are pointing to new ORACLE_HOME i.e. “/orxxxxxx/product/920”.
$ echo $TNS_ADMIN
8) At this stage we are ready to perform our upgrade. Just review all the steps in these first 2 sections and make sure that you have followed all of them. Then proceed to next section and perform the upgrade.
Performing 920 Upgrade
1) Login to orxxxxxx user and make sure that the environment variables like ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN and LD_LIBRARY_PATH are pointing to new ORACLE_HOME of 920. Also, make sure that /igold symbolic link is pointing to /xxxxxx and oraInst.loc file has been correctly updated. All these things had been discussed in the previous sections of the document.
2) Start a Reflection X session and connect to orxxxxxx user using Fsecure SSH client. Run xclock to see if you can run GUI. If you are performing the upgrade from a remote location (from India) do not run the Installer from your own PC but use VNC Viewer to connect to a Desktop in the US and then run the upgrade from the US PC. In case of Your Place customers, the normal SSH session is enabled to run GUI Installers and there is no performance hit from any location. You can run the installer without opening any Reflection or VNC viewer.
3) Start “runInstaller” from Disk1 of CD Set which has been downloaded earlier and choose the following options while installation:
a. File Locations:
ORACLE_HOME path=/igold/oracle/product/920
Do not give the actual location of 920 ORACLE_HOME (/xxxxxx/oracle/product/920) here. We are deliberately using “igold” as it helps in patching of cloned instances
b. Select a Product:
Oracle 9i Database
c. Type of Installation:
Enterprise Edition
d. Database Configuration
Software Only
4) Download PatchSet (Patch# 3095277) and unzip it in a temporary directory and run below given cpio command. It will create a new Disk1 directory.
$ unzip 9204_solaris_release.cpio.z
$ cpio -idmv < 9204_solaris_release.cpio
$ cpio -idmv < 9204_lnx32_release.cpio
5) Start “runInstaller” from /xxxxxx/oracle/product/oui directory to install PatchSet files and choose the following options:
a. Files Locations:
Source Path: /Disk1/stage/products.jar
ORACLE_HOME path=/igold/oracle/product/920
b. Choose OUI installation and complete it. Exit the installer, do not choose continue with “Next Install”. You have to restart installer.
c. Start installer again with the same File Location values as given above and choose PatchSet installation.
6) Relink Oracle executables to remove igold dependencies and verify that libraries being referenced after relinking are from correct ORACLE_HOME location and not from igold link.
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./relink all
$ ldd lsnrctl
$ ldd sqlplus
$ ldd oracle
7) Copy initXXXXXX.ora and ifilecbo.ora files from old ORACLE_HOME to new 920 ORACLE_HOME. Do not change the value of any initialization parameter; this will be done in later steps.
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ cp ../../817/dbs/initXXXXXX.ora .
$ cp ../../817/dbs/ifilecbo.ora .
8) Perform the DB upgrade from 8.1.7 to 9.2.0 using the manual scripts as given below. These upgrade scripts may take 4-5 hours to complete. “startup migrate” statement will throw “ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified” exception. At this point of time ignore this error it will be taken care in later steps. Once the upgrade scripts complete, query “dba_registry” table to make sure that Oracle components have been upgraded.
$ sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL> startup migrate
SQL> spool db_upgrade.log
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/u0801070.sql
SQL> spool off
SQL> spool dbcmp_upgrade.log
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/cmpdbmig.sql
SQL> spool off
SQL> SELECT comp_name, status, substr(version,1,10) as version from dba_registry;
Oracle9i Catalog Views VALID
Oracle9i Packages and Types VALID
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine VALID
Oracle9i Java Packages VALID
Oracle XDK for Java UPGRADED
Oracle interMedia Text LOADED
Oracle9i Real Application Clusters INVALID
Oracle interMedia LOADED
Oracle Spatial LOADED
9) Shutdown the instance, start it up again and execute utl_recomp package to recompile invalid objects using parallel workers. This may take 3-4 hours.
a. SQL> shutdown immediate
b. SQL> startup
c. SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrcmp.sql
d. SQL> exec utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(6)
10) Upgrade Oracle Text, Oracle interMedia and Orace Spatial as given in the following steps. Run “catpatch.sql” script to complete the installation of patchset. Then query dba_registry table to verify the upgrade.
a. Upgrade Oracle Spatial
SQL> spool spatial_upgrade.log
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @?/md/admin/mdprivs.sql
SQL>connect mdsys/mdsys
SQL> @?/md/admin/c81Xu9X.sql
SQL> spool off
b. Upgrade Oracle interMedia
SQL> spool intermedia_upgrade.log
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @?/ord/im/admin/imdbma.sql
SQL> @?/ord/admin/u0801070.sql
SQL> @?/ord/im/admin/u0801070.sql
SQL> connect ordsys/ordsys
SQL> @?/ord/im/admin/imchk.sql
SQL> spool off
c. Upgrade Oracle Text
SQL> spool text_upgrade.log
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @?/ctx/admin/s0900010.sql
SQL> connect ctxsys/ctxsys
SQL> @?/ctx/admin/u0900010.sql
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> @?/ctx/admin/s0902000.sql
SQL> connect ctxsys/ctxsys
SQL> @?/ctx/admin/u0902000.sql
SQL> spool off
d. Complete Patchset
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup migrate
SQL> spool patch.log
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catpatch.sql
SQL> spool off
e. Compile invalids
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup
SQL> exec utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(4)
f. Verify the upgrade
SQL> SELECT comp_name, status, substr(version,1,10) as version from dba_registry;
Oracle9i Catalog Views VALID
Oracle9i Packages and Types VALID
JServer JAVA Virtual Machine VALID
Oracle9i Java Packages VALID
Oracle XDK for Java VALID
Oracle interMedia Text VALID
Oracle9i Real Application Clusters INVALID
Oracle interMedia VALID
Oracle Spatial VALID
11) Copy tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files from TNS_ADMIN directory of old ORACLE_HOME (817) to TNS_ADMIN directory of new ORACLE_HOME (920) and change references of 817 ORACLE_HOME to 920 ORACLE_HOME. Then start DB listener and make sure that “tnsping” works.
12) Update initXXXXXX.ora and ifilecbo.ora files as given below. These values have been taken from Note# 216205.1.
a. Update the following parameters in initXXXXXX.ora file:
Set the value of “aq_tm_processes” to the original value which was there before starting the upgrade
Set the value of “job_queue_processes” to the original value which was there before starting the upgrade
Set “compatible = 9.2.0”
Set “_system_trig_enabled = TRUE”
Set “log_archive_start = true”
b. Add the following new parameters in initXXXXXX.ora file:
nls_length_semantics = BYTE
pga_aggregate_target = 1000M
workarea_size_policy = AUTO
c. Comment the following parameters in initXXXXXX.ora as these are obsoleted in 9iR2 database:
d. Update the following parameter in ifilecbo.ora file”
Set “optimizer_features_enable = 9.2.0”
e. Comment the following parameters in ifilecbo.ora as these are obsoleted in 9iR2 database:
13) Restart the database and alter it in arhivelog mode. Make sure that you do not get “ORA-32004: obsolete and/or deprecated parameter(s) specified” error while starting the database. If you get this error, check the erroring parameter name in alertXXXXXX.log file and comment that in init.ora.
$ sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup mount
SQL> alter database archivelog;
SQL> shutdown immediate
SQL> startup
14) Execute the post-install scripts
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> @?/javavm/install/jvmsec3.sql
SQL> @?/javavm/install/jvmsec5.sql
SQL> conn apps/
SQL> @/patch/115/sql/adgrn9i.sql apps
15) Apply APPS patches required for 9iR2 database.
a. Apply FND Patch# 2838093
b. If adpatch hangs while executing “adinvset.pls” for more than 10 minutes then you may be hitting Bug# 2651057. Apply Patch# 2651057 to fix the issue.
c. Apply AD Patch# 2361208
16) Complete the upgrade and start APPS services
a. Run “Re-create grants and synonyms” from adadmin
b. Run “Compile APPS schema” from adadmin
c. Start all APPS services
d. Expire the blackout
e. Perform health checks and release the instance to the customer
f. Rename old ORACLE_HOME as 817_old
$ mv /xxxxxx/oracle/product/817 /xxxxxx/oracle/product/817_old