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Enable SSH in Linux: -
#chkconfig --list sshd
#chkconfig --levels 2345 sshd on
to find a file in a directory:-
$ find (directory_path) -name (file_name)
to find a value in a vi editor:-
in vi editor [esc] & :/(find_value)
to delete a value in a vi editor:-
in vi editor [esc] & :%s /delete_value
to delete contents in a file:-
in vi editor [esc] & :/%d
to replace a value in a vi editor:-
in vi editor [esc] & :%s /search_value/replace_value
to see the size of a file (or) directory:-
$du -csh (file or directory name)
to count the files & directories in a directory:-
$ls -l |wc -l
to count the files in a directory:-
$find . -type f |wc -l
to count the directries in a directory:-
$find . -type d |wc -l
to see the file-system in linux:-
$file /sbin/init
$getconf LONG_BIT
How to mount Windows shared folder in Linux: -
$mount.cifs //IPAddrss/share_folder_name/ /mnt -o user=username
Note: - In Ubuntu, we have to install smbfs package to get this mount.cifs command.