Friday, October 16, 2009

ORA errors

ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist tips

Oracle docs note this about ORA-27101:
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Cause: Unable to locate shared memory realm
Action: Verify that the realm is accessible

MetaLink offers valuable information regarding ORA-27101. ORA-27101 is often thrown along with ORA-01034 during database installation. ORA-27101 is also seen after installation is complete, when attempting to use SQL*Plus.

To resolve this issue with ORA-27101, you should be sure that ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID are correct, and ORACLE_HOME should not have trailing slash. Here is the MetaLink example to accompany ORA-27101 resolution instructions:

For checking on trailing trash:

$ /app/oracle/817/ << style="font-weight: bold;">ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate nn bytes

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

On an auto execute of an external job I get the error "ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate nn bytes".
This can be caused by a shortage of RAM on a dedicated (non shared server) environment and by not setting kernel parms correctly.
RAM shortage - Depending on your release of Oracle, you have several options:

* Increase pga_aggregate_target
* Decrease sort_area_size and/or hash_area_size
* Move to multi-threaded server (a.k.a. MTS or shared servers)

Kernel Parms - (Karpinski, Joseph E) In installing Oracle 10G we ran into a number of ORA-4030 issues.

We changed the setting of “ulimit” as follows to resolve the issue:

ulimit –a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) unlimited
stack(kbytes) 4194302
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) 4096
ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found tips

Oracle docs note this about ORA-12519:

ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found

Cause: The listener could not find any available service handlers that are appropriate for the client connection.

Action: Run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered with the listener, and are accepting connections.

Oracle MetaLink shares information regarding ORA-12519 which can occur following a change to MTS. What has commonly happened here is that moving from a dedicated server to a shared server (MTS) ORA-12519 is thrown even though you have correctly changed al of the necessary parameters.

ORA-12519 occurs here because the listener has not been properly set to the default port and the PMON automatic listener registration fails with ORA-12519. You may also notice with this ORA-12519 error that the RDA LOCAL_LISTENER reads NULL.

To resolve ORA-12519, register the listener manually after the MTS change if you still wish to use non-default ports.

Also, on Oracle DBA Forums, there is information referring to ORA-12519. Here, it is pointed out that ORA-12519 can be caused by low "processes" values, which can be resolved by increasing he DB parameter, "parallel_max_servers". Also, ORA-12519 can be thrown because of DB and client versions which do not match.
Oracle 10g Release 1 - Listener problem: -

Add below parameter in Listener.ora file